Developmental Human Behavioral Epigenetics: New book published!
Updated: Mar 11, 2021
I am very happy to share with you the brand new book I edited together with Rosario Montirosso (IRCCS E. Medea, Bosisio Parini, Italy). The book - entitled "Developmental Human Behavioral Epigenetics" - is published by Elsevier and provides a systematic overview of the principles of behavioral epigenetics, the origins of this fascianting area of research and the applications to the specific field of developmental psychobiology and early parenting interventions.

The book features contributions from Pasco Fearon (University College London, UK), Francesca Cirulli (ISS, Rome, Italy), Lourdes Fañanàs (University of Barcelona, Spain), USA), Laura Petrosini and Erica Berretta (IRCCS Santa Lucia Foundation, Rome, Italy), Tania Roth (University of Delaware, Newark, USA), Eva Unternaherer (Psychiatric University Hospitals Basel, Switzerland) and others.
The book also features an opening prologue by Ed Tronick and Richard Hunter (UMass, Boston, USA) entitled "Keeping complexity in mind", which greatly set the stage for a book that aims to integrate the emerging potentialities of behavioral epigenetics with the consolidated tradition of infant research and parenting studies. As much of my work and my will to pursue a career in science followed readings of Ed Tronick's articles and books, I am especially grateful and honored for this opening prologue.
I hope that this book can serve as an additional source of inspiration to further improve the field and to promote even smarter and translationally valid developmental human behavioral epigenetics research in the years to come.
Reaching our goals in a time of pandemic is hard, but it is a sign of resilience and positive stubbornness. Luckily enough we live in a historical period when physical distancing does not necessarily implies emotional separation and the available technologies still allow us to engage in rewarding projects as this one. As such, special thanks go to all the colleagues - and friends - who engaged in this process. You made this happen.
Per aspera, ad astra.
You can find more details on the book here:
The book is also available on Amazon: